Be the Changeyou want to seein the world
for women
Authentic leaders are those who have found their true purpose or North Star. As a result, they are able to unite people around a shared ideal, empowering them to lead others in an authentic way, and thus create value together, for the people and for the organisation.

Soft Power leadership
For Women's Leadershipabold, effective, fulfilling and positive
Created by women for women who want to live a fulfilling and meaningful professional life.
A radical new, refreshing and positive approach for women who want a successful and rewarding professional life without sacrificing what is important to them.
An invitation to discover and adopt a new perspective to be, act and grow with impact from an invigorating and powerful energy, that of your Inner Leader.
As such, the proposed courses combine leadership and self-awareness tools with powerful techniques and tools developed by One of Many™, a unique training centre for working women.
A personalised 12-week course for :
- Exploring the foundations of a new, more agile and engaging paradigm. The 5 pillars of leadership development for women.
- Recognise Superwoman, her strengths, limitations and energy impact, to create better results with less pressure and effort.
- Discover your feminine PowerTypes, reconnect with your Inner Leader and access your resources.
- Develop new leadership skills to dare to position yourself and shine.
A 10-week group course for :
- Tackling a new, more agile and engaging paradigm as a group. The 5 pillars of leadership development for women.
- Discover your feminine PowerTypes, reconnect with your Inner Leader and access your resources.
- Develop new strategies to achieve your goals with less stress and, above all, without giving up things that are important to you.
- Release and build confidence with a peer group and incredible support.
At the end of the process, you will have achieved :
- A profound change in the way you approach daily life and different professional contexts, as well as significant results in the area that matters most to you.
- You will have nurtured a strong inner confidence that will guide you every day so that you can focus on your priorities.
- You will have learned how to make the best use of your time and energy to achieve the desired results.
- You will have clarified a meaningful career plan that aligns with your values and aspirations.
- Concrete tools and strategies to continue to use long after the programme has ended.