Personal Branding

...a path of excellence to dare to be yourself, to stand out and to succeed.

Personal Branding brings an innovative and unavoidable approach,

and thus define and express its positioning with authenticity, and manage its corporate visibility with coherence. In the complex structures that companies have become today, visibility, positioning, networking, contribution and personal branding are becoming the key ingredients of a new paradigm.

Whether it is to position or reinvent one's career path, to dare to change direction or to evolve positively within one's current company, the aim is to combine pleasure and success.

Authenticity is central to the approach; without it, there is no real strong and lasting personal brand.

The benefits of a well-built and well-positioned Personal Brand can include :

  • Understand you and know you better
  • Increase your confidence in yourself and your projects
  • Increase your visibility and presence
  • Create a positive impact on your business or career
  • Helping in times of turbulence or change
  • Giving meaning to your actions and high motivation
  • Develop a simple, clear and inspiring speech
  • Clarify your positioning, take your rightful place
  • Defining winning development strategies

"Impose your Luck, squeeze your Happiness and go for your risk.
Looking at you, they will get used to you."

René Char

Personal Branding, what is it ?

Personal branding is the process of creating and making visible a personal brand. It is a pathway that brings together powerful tools for personal development, alignment and marketing The aim is to identify what is different and unique about each person, and then to make it visible.
In the words of William Arruda: "Our greatest opportunity to achieve success lies in our ability to understand and express what is unique about ourselves. Personal Branding is just about allowing yourself to be yourself ".

Personal Branding, for who

Whether you are an employee or in transition, an executive or a manager, a project leader or a solopreneur, if you want to achieve objectives that are meaningful to you, to be authentic and consistent with yourself, to manage and succeed in your professional activity with pleasure, it will be key to be able to identify, appropriate and communicate your Personal Brand.
In today's complex world, it is no longer enough to be competent, conscientious and loyal to achieve a recognised and valued career path. It has become just as important to be visible, to know how to promote your added value.
What Personal Branding offers is a pathway that can help you develop these new skills.

Personal Branding, key points

This innovative approach invites you to go to the heart of what makes you the beautiful person you are, to bring out and put into motion what is unique and differentiating about you: YOUR promise, your specific value proposition.
It is this promise of value that will become the guiding thread of your project and that will enable you to orientate, define and communicate your professional choices in order to dare to stand out and succeed, whether within a company or in your own activity.

I am a partner of,


Created by Béatrice Cuvelier in 2006 ! It is a co-exclusive partner of Reach for the certification of Personal Branding professionals throughout the French-speaking world.